Research Briefs & Data Sets
Scroll down to browse through our growing collection of research briefs and data sets (such as statistics and surveys) related to the Japanese power market.
While some are available to all our members, others are reserved for Japan Energy Hub Pro subscribers.
Research briefs
Date published | Title | Description | Pages | Slug | |
30/05/2024 | FY2023 Non-Fossil Certificate (NFC) Auction Results | On May 24, 2024, the results of the last NFC auction round of FY2023 were finalized. With that, in addition to providing an overview of the different types of NFCs traded, this brief also dives into the overall FY2023 auction results including contracted volume and prices. | 6 | fy2023-nfc-auction-results | |
16/05/2024 | BESS in Japan’s First Long-Term Decarbonization Auction | An overview of the results of Japan's first long-term decarbonization auction which was held as part of the country's capacity market established in FY2020. The brief zooms in on the results related to battery storage projects. | 6 | bess-in-first-long-term-decarbonization-auction |
Data sets
Title | Period | Source | Overview | Slug | |
Power retailers' understanding and mitigation of market risk | April 14-23, 2021 | Electricity and Gas Market Surveillance Commission | Nearly a quarter of all power retailers and 8% of the 38 from the top 50 that responded to the survey said they were not aware of market risk. Another 23% and 16% respectively said they were not managing their risk quantitatively even though they were aware of market risk. | power-retailer-market-risk-understanding-mitigation | |
Japan's energy self-sufficiency rate | FY1990-FY2022 | Agency for Natural Resources and Energy | While Japan's energy self-sufficiency rate hovered around 20% prior to the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, the subsequent shutdown of all of Japan's nuclear reactors caused the rate to drop all the way to around 6% based on IEA's methodology. Since then, the rate has been gradually recovering due to both nuclear reactors being restarted and renewables penetration growing. | energy-self-sufficiency-rate | |
Flat land solar generation capacity density (Japan vs. other countries) | 2020/2021/2022 | Agency for Natural Resources and Energy | Japan has over 500kW of solar panels installed per square kilometer of flat land. That is nearly double the 243kW in Germany and almost 10 times the 65kW in the United Kingdom. It is more than 10 times the density in China, Spain, France, and India, and over 20 times the density in India and the United States. | flat-land-solar-panels-by-country | |
Renewable power promotion surcharge | May 2012-April 2024 | Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. | The 2023 renewable power promotion surcharge was low due to high wholesale market price ballooning the avoidable cost from 1.4 trillion yen the year before to 3.6 trillion yen. With that exception, the surcharge has been over 3 yen per kWh since May 2021. | renewable-power-promotion-surcharge | Pro |