Renewable Generation Curtailment in Japan

Japan’s increasing non-dispatchable renewable capacity is leading to increasing output curtailment. Solar generation was curtailed for the first time in October 2018 and wind generation followed a month later, both in Kyushu.

While Kyushu remained the only TSO area with curtailment until FY2021, in FY2022, Hokkaido, Tohoku, Kansai, Chugoku, Shikoku, and Okinawa areas experienced curtailment too. With Hokuriku and Chubu joining in FY2023, Tokyo area remains the only one with zero renewable generation curtailment to date.

To see more data including the share of solar and wind generation curtailed by year and month, as well as monthly renewable generation curtailment by TSO area, join Japan Energy Hub for free.

Annual renewable generation curtailment


Renewable generation curtailment by TSO area


Japan Energy Hub Free members can see shares of solar and wind generation curtailed, as well as curtailment by TSO area.

Monthly Report - The Japanese Power Industry Executive

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