Monthly Report

Tokyo Sangyo, Tokyo Enesys, and partners commission 7.1MW Aizu Komorebi Biomass Power Plant

December 3, 2024
Aizu Komorebi Biomass Power Plant
Construction of Aizu Komorebi Biomass Power Plant started in April 2022. (Image: Tokyo Sangyo)

On December 1, 2024, Tokyo Sangyo, Tokyo Enesys, Hokuetsu Material, and SHICHIJO commissioned the 7.1MW Aizu Komorebi Biomass Power Plant in Aizubange Town, Fukushima Prefecture.

The project owned Aizu Komorebi Power Plant LLC, a joint venture between the four companies, is expected to generate approximately 51GWh per year using wood chips produced domestically from unused wood and construction waste. All of the power generated at the power plant will be sold to Tohoku Electric Power Network through a 20-year feed-in-tariff (FIT) contract.

When the power plant was FIT-certified in June 2021, the FIT offered for general woody biomass generation was 24 yen per kWh. It was 13 yen per kWh for construction waste.

Tokyo Sangyo and Tokyo Enesys were in charge of the power plant’s engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC), and will be in charge of its operation and maintenance (O&M). SHICHIJO was in charge of permitting and provided land for the project. Hokuetsu will process and supply fuel. The former two companies now own 46% of the joint venture, up from 40% when first established. Hokuetsu owns 5%. SHICHIJO owns 3%, down from 15%.

Construction of the power plant begun in April 2022 and finished on time. Equipment for the power plant was supplied by Takuma.

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