On January 17, 2025, Shikoku Electric Power reported on its progress toward achieving the objectives outlined in the “Yonden Group Mid-Term Management Plan 2025.” Among other initiatives, the company detailed the progress it is making toward developing, starting from 2000, 500MW of renewables by FY2030 and 2GW by FY2050.
According to the presentation, Shikoku EPCO’s renewable portfolio (excluding pre-2000 projects), including both domestic and international projects, grew from 300MW at the end of March 2023 to 370MW at the end of calendar 2024. The growth in capacity was driven by solar development (160MW as of the end of 2024 vs. 130MW as of the end of March 2023) and hydro (60MW vs. 40MW). The group’s overseas portfolio increased from 70MW to 80MW.
Notably in 2024, Shikoku EPCO commissioned two floating solar projects totaling 2.19MW in Kagawa Prefecture and, together with partners including Maeda Corporation, it commissioned the 50MW Ozu Biomass Power Plant in Ehime Prefecture of which it owns 6.4%.
In 2025, the company plans to commission another 1.5MW floating solar project, the 75MW Sakaide Biomass Power Plant of which it owns 36%, the 900kW Otoyo Wind Power Plant, and the 1.9MW hydroelectric Kurofujikawa Power Plant.
Separately from its renewable portfolio, Shikoku EPCO also operates the 890MW Ikata Nuclear Power Plant Unit 3, which reentered into commercial operation in early 2022 following its post-Fukushima shutdown.