4Cs Holdings acquired land usage rights for the development of 13 solar projects totaling 8.78MWDC, the company, which is mainly active in the cosmetics industry but also in the development of solar power plants, announced late last month.
Twelve of the 13 projects are 648kWDC and one is 1MWDC. All are located in the Tokyo TSO area. 4Cs plans to sell the land usage rights to other companies in late November 2024 while continuing to work on the projects’ development by providing consulting services related to permitting, EPC, etc.
The company aims for 12 smaller power plants to be constructed, connected to the grid, and handed over at the end of February 2025. The larger project is expected to be handed over at the end of December 2025.
4Cs first announced its plan to enter the renewable energy business in May 2024 with intention to develop 24MW within one year with another 24MW by May 2026. It acquired the land usage rights for its first project, a 3.3MWDC power plant in Kanto, in late June 2024 and sold them off to Ecokaku at the end of the following month.
In addition to the latest batch, 4Cs is also currently developing two projects (1.3MW and 1MW) it acquired in July and three (1.8MW, 0.9MW, and 1MW) it acquired in August 2024.