Construction of Fantasista’s first grid-scale BESS facility, the 8.14MWh “Gunma Ota Power Storage Plant” in the Tokyo TSO area, began on December 10, 2024. The asset is expected to be commissioned on August 1, 2025.
The project is owned by fantasista battery 1 LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Fantasista’s consolidated subsidiary NC MAX WORLD. It sits on a 766 square meter site in Ota City, Gunma Prefecture, and will be built by Suzuka Denko. Originally scheduled to start in April 2024, construction was delayed due to changes in equipment selection.
Fantasista signed contract to acquire the project in December 2023 and completed the transaction in August 2024. Following the groundbreaking, construction is expected to finish by April 2025 followed by an end of May handover. The company plans to start commercial operation of the asset after trial operations between June and the end of July 2025.
In addition to the project in Ota City, Fantasista has acquired 14 other 8.14MWh projects that it is currently developing. For six of those, it received response about grid connection from the respective TSO. The company is also planning to acquire eight more 8.14MWh projects, one of which received a grid connection request response, by the end of 2024.