Monthly Report

Prologis starts self-wheeling from Saitama facility solar power plant to Ibaraki facility

August 28, 2024
Prologis Park Soka
Prologis Park Soka is equipped with a 2.2MW rooftop solar power plant and battery storage. (Image: Prologis)

On August 1, 2024, the logistics real estate company Prologis started self-wheeling excess power generated at Prologis Park Soka to Prologis Park Tsukuba 1. This is the second time for the company to roll out a self-wheeling arrangement between its facilities and the first time for it to do so in the Tokyo TSO area.

Through the new scheme, the company self-wheels excess power generated at a previously installed, 2.2MW rooftop solar power plant at its multi-tenant facility in Soka City, Saitama Prefecture, to the Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, which was built for use by the fashion shopping company ZOZO Inc. Digital Grid is in charge of forecasting and balancing supply and demand.

Prologis has previously implemented a similar scheme in the Kansai TSO area, where it self-wheels power generated at Prologis Park Inagawa 1’s 3.8MW rooftop solar power plant that is not used at the facility or at the neighboring Prologis Park Inagawa 2 in Inagawa Town, Hyogo Prefecture, to Prologis Park Kyotanabe in Kyotanabe City, Kyoto Prefecture.

The company plans to extend its use of the self-wheeling scheme once it commissions 7.8MW worth of solar generation assets at Prologis Park Koga 4 (multi-tenant) and Prologis Park Koga 5 (built-to-suit for an undisclosed customer) in Koga City, Ibaraki Prefecture. It has not disclosed to which of its facilities within the Tokyo TSO area it plans to self-wheel the two Koga facilities’ excess power.

In addition to expanding its use of self-wheeling, the Japan Energy Hub PPA database shows that Prologis has also signed corporate PPAs, serving as a generator.

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