HEXA Energy Services begun construction of the first of the 11 BESS projects it was awarded in Japan’s first long-term decarbonization auction (LTDA) held last fiscal year, the 29.97MW/130MWh Tagawa Power Station in Tagawa City, Fukuoka Prefecture.
According to HEXA Renewables’ statement from November 18, 2024, the Tagawa Power Station “will connect to the Kyushu Electric Power network at a connection voltage of 66kV and is expected to be fully commissioned by February 2026.” HEXA Renewables held a ground-breaking ceremony for the project on October 23, 2024, according to the statement.
“The construction of the project will have minimum impact on the environment, as it involves repurposing land previously used for solar power,” said the company.
OCCTO documents show that in the LTDA, HEXA Energy Services was awarded a 22,189kW “Tagawa City Ikari ② Power Storage System” project. It is possible the difference in the overall project power capacity and the capacity awarded in the LTDA corresponds to a “Tagawa City Ikari ① Energy Storage System” project not bid in the auction.
The 11 BESS projects HEXA Energy Services was awarded in the LTDA total 342MW. While the “Tagawa City Ikari ② Energy Storage System” is the smallest of the awarded projects, the “Oyabe City Ishinada Energy Storage System” in Toyama Prefecture is, at nearly 40MW, the largest. Of the projects, four will be built in the Hokkaido TSO area, two each in Chubu and Kyushu TSO areas, and one each in Tohoku, Hokuriku, and Kansai TSO areas.
Correction (December 26, 2024): The project’s developer has incorrectly been referred to as HEXA Renewables Japan in the previous version of this article.